iPad 3rd Gen, Wi-Fi/Cellular/GPS
Tech Specs
Model Code
Model Numbers
A1430, A1403
2499, 2578
Part Numbers
MC733xx/A, MC744xx/A, MC756xx/A, MD363xx/A, MD364xx/A, MD365xx/A, MD366xx/A, MD367xx/A, MD368xx/A, MD369xx/A, MD370xx/A, MD371xx/A, MD404xx/A, MD405xx/A, MD406xx/A, MD407xx/A, MD408xx/A, MD409xx/A
Since 2010 and until today, iPad classic is the reference tablet, even if there are many competing Android models. Their resale value is very variable: the oldest models are outdated, but an iPad a few years old is worth a good price.